JARDIN DES FONTAINES家居精品品牌 Viu TV <創富坊 – 創業軍師> ...
Viu TV <創富坊 – 創業軍師> 兩位香港年青女士的創業故事,於2020年疫情高峰期創立JARDIN DES FONTAINES家居精品品牌,精心打造香港原創設計品牌。
JARDIN DES FONTAINES家居精品品牌 Viu TV <創富坊 – 創業軍師> ...
Viu TV <創富坊 – 創業軍師> 兩位香港年青女士的創業故事,於2020年疫情高峰期創立JARDIN DES FONTAINES家居精品品牌,精心打造香港原創設計品牌。

"Secret Violet Garden" show in TVB "Big City Shop"
On Valentine's Day 2022, TVB "Big City Shop" adopts the latest series of "JARDIN DES FONTAINES" the Picton Garden UK "Secret Violet Garden" product throw pillows, waterproof tablecloths, woven table...
"Secret Violet Garden" show in TVB "Big City Shop"
On Valentine's Day 2022, TVB "Big City Shop" adopts the latest series of "JARDIN DES FONTAINES" the Picton Garden UK "Secret Violet Garden" product throw pillows, waterproof tablecloths, woven table...

10 ways to wear a Scarf | JARDIN DES FONTAINES
10 ways to wear a Scarf introduced by JARDIN DES FONTAINES Designer Director in TVB “All Things Girl” Host: Eunice Chan 陳詩欣, Jumbo Tsang 曾淑雅 TVB Jade Channel’s new series...
10 ways to wear a Scarf | JARDIN DES FONTAINES
10 ways to wear a Scarf introduced by JARDIN DES FONTAINES Designer Director in TVB “All Things Girl” Host: Eunice Chan 陳詩欣, Jumbo Tsang 曾淑雅 TVB Jade Channel’s new series...

【香港經濟日報】JARDIN DES FONTAINES 列國風情融於生活精品中
JARDIN DES FONTAINES 列國風情融於生活精品中 兩個在創業班認識的80後女生,跳出打工的舒適圈,在去年6月疫情高峰期下創立香港品牌,由自家設計及生產家居精品店JARDIN DES FONTAINES(簡稱JDF)。佩服她倆的大無畏外,設計的產品洋溢瑰麗情調,初生之犢卻精緻得如High-end品牌。
【香港經濟日報】JARDIN DES FONTAINES 列國風情融於生活精品中
JARDIN DES FONTAINES 列國風情融於生活精品中 兩個在創業班認識的80後女生,跳出打工的舒適圈,在去年6月疫情高峰期下創立香港品牌,由自家設計及生產家居精品店JARDIN DES FONTAINES(簡稱JDF)。佩服她倆的大無畏外,設計的產品洋溢瑰麗情調,初生之犢卻精緻得如High-end品牌。

"JARDIN DES FONTAINES" Brand Launch Ceremony | ...
"JARDIN DES FONTAINES" Brand Launch Ceremony, Thanks for Commerce and Economic Development of the Government Bureau The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Under Secretary for Commerce and...
"JARDIN DES FONTAINES" Brand Launch Ceremony | ...
"JARDIN DES FONTAINES" Brand Launch Ceremony, Thanks for Commerce and Economic Development of the Government Bureau The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Under Secretary for Commerce and...